Rep. Schlegel Opens District Office in Lebanon Valley Mall
December 5, 2022
HARRISBURG – Rep. John Schlegel (R-Lebanon) announced today that the district office for the 101st Legislative District is now open for business at its new location in the Lebanon Valley Mall.
Schlegel was elected in November to represent the 101st District, which had a district office located in Palmyra. Redistricting changed the district boundaries to exclude Palmyra, necessitating the move.
“My staff and I are settling in at our new location at the Lebanon Valley Mall and we are open for business,” said Schlegel. “We welcome anyone who needs assistance with a state issue or help in applying for state programs, such as the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), to call 717-838-3823 or stop by our office at the mall. We are here to help in any way we can and that includes FREE assistance in filling out program forms and applications.”
Schlegel’s office is open weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
The 101st Legislative District includes the City of Lebanon, the Borough of Cornwall and the townships of North Lebanon, South Lebanon, West Lebanon, North Cornwall and West Cornwall.
Representative John Schlegel
101st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Donna Pinkham
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