House Votes to Extend Law to Address Teacher Shortages in PA

July 6, 2023

HARRISBURG – By a unanimous vote, the House today passed legislation, co-sponsored by Rep. John Schlegel (R-Lebanon), which would extend a law giving Pennsylvania schools flexibility in the hiring of substitute teachers.  

House Bill 27 would continue beneficial teacher hiring practices initiated during the COVID-19 pandemic, which expired on June 30,” said Schlegel. “It would also remove the sunset provision in the law for certain provisions, enabling schools to continue securing substitute teacher coverage permanently.

“The bill would permit retired educators and staff to work in our public schools for more than 20 days without any impact on their pension. This legislation would not only help to address staff shortages in our schools it would provide students with the benefit of the knowledge and experience these retirees bring,” Schlegel said. 

The bill now goes to the state Senate where it can be considered in time for school administrators to plan their staffing needs for the upcoming school year. 

Representative John Schlegel
101st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact:  Donna Pinkham
717.260.6452 /

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