Grants Approved for Local Water, Sewer Infrastructure Projects, Schlegel Says

December 19, 2023

HARRISBURG – Rep. John Schlegel (R-Lebanon) today announced the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) has awarded more than $2.2 million in state grants for water and sewer system infrastructure improvements in the 101st Legislative District, Lebanon County.

At this morning’s meeting, the CFA approved the following grants through the COVID-19 American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) H20 PA fund and the PA Small Water and Sewer fund.

North Cornwall Township - $1 million for the replacement of its Dairy Road pumping station, and an additional grant of $141,727 for the purchase and installation of four permanent flow metering chambers on the township’s sewer system.
North Lebanon Township - $425,000 for the rehabilitation of existing storm sewer infrastructure.
South Lebanon Township - $500,000 for an extension to its sanitary sewer system.
City of Lebanon - $148,495 for improvements to its sanitary sewer mains and laterals.

“Updating Pennsylvania’s aging infrastructure is a costly, yet necessary endeavor,” said Schlegel. “We must remain vigilant to protect the health, safety and comfort of all who live and work here. I am pleased this much-needed funding has been approved and will enable these critical water and sewer improvement projects to occur.

Representative John Schlegel
101st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Donna Pinkham
717.260.6452 /

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